Web Copy

Art Direction

Shopify Theme Development

Web Design

• Web Copy • Art Direction • Shopify Theme Development • Web Design

Shopping at Odd Bird’s Richmond storefront feels like being a kid in your favorite toy store. It’s literally impossible not to smile when you walk in—abundantly colorful, wonderfully surprising, and filled with things you don’t need but can’t live without.

Odd Bird needed a digital space that evoked the same curiosity and joy, without sacrificing shoppability or functionality. Night Swim worked to bring their brand to life on Shopify, peeling back the curtain to restructure product management, improve navigation, streamline checkout, and add custom features.

Smart Filtering

Advanced filtering makes it easy to refine by room, price, or date so shoppers spend less time scrolling. It’s a simple but major upgrade that makes discovery faster, browsing smoother, and checkout more likely.

Custom Wishlist App

Gifts are Odd Bird’s bread and butter. Integrating a wish list feature makes it easier for people to give and receive, making the gift receipt obsolete one list at a time.


Na Nin


Maris Vessels